How I’m Making Time For Fitness

How I’m Making Time For Fitness

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To everyone who took a few moments to comment or reach out about my last post – thank you. Your suggestions and words of encouragement powered me through an especially hectic week, and I know I’ll continue to pull from them as I work through this little patch of work-life imbalance.

Let me say it again: you rock.

As promised, I want to share this journey with you and provide updates and insights as they come along.

So how about a few thoughts on what I’m doing to find make time for fitness these days?

You should know by now that living a healthy and fit lifestyle is one of my greatest joys. Few things make me happier. The shortlist actually includes family, friends, wine, and cute animal videos. Also carbs.

The realization that I currently have less time to commit to breaking a sweat and eating right is a tough one. But it’s not exactly the end of the world. It just means that I need to get creative and learn to hack my way to healthy.


So what am I doing to make time for fitness on days that extend well beyond the typically 9 to 5?

Gym membership // Okay, so I know my original plan was to join a big box gym for only a few months during triathlon training. But, as with all good plans, this one ended up taking a detour. I’ve decided to keep my monthly membership for now because it means I have a place to sweat that works on my schedule. I can go in the wee hours of the morning, or show up really late at night. I get in, I get out, and I can do so on my terms. It’s not the most wallet friendly option in NYC, but to me, the flexibility is worth budgeting for.

Online workouts // Confession: for the longest time, despite being “the fit crasher”, I really didn’t like barre. I created a mental barrier and told myself it wasn’t a real workout. Sure I’d go if invited, but I always walked away feeling like I needed to go bust out some burpees after. So I don’t know what’s come over me, but I’ve become addicted to barre3 online videos. Even more shocking? I purchased accessories. A core ball, to be exact. I am totally hooked on the convenience of being able to do the workout whenever I’m ready. And there’s no jumping around, so I can quietly do it in my apartment at any hour of the day or night without waking the neighbors. It’s a crazy challenging combo of pilates + yoga + barre. And, yes, it really is a great workout. And no, they are not paying me to say this. My credit card gets charged $15 a month. Scouts honor.

How I’m Making Time For Fitness

For days when I crave more intensity, I’ve also rediscovered the beauty of HIIT via old-school Bodyrock workouts. Remember those? I used these workouts years ago when I was working full time and going to grad school at night. I’d wake up at zero dark thirty, set my interval timer, and dedicate 15 minutes to burpees, pull ups, and other bodyweight favorites. They’re short, incredibly challenging, and insanely effective. I usually write the workout down on a note card and bring it with me to the gym or to a park.

Apps // Similar to the online videos, apps help me shake things up on my terms and my schedule. Favorites currently include SWORKIT and 12 Minute Athlete because they keep workouts short and to the point. I love the Nike Training Club app but, at least for now, most of the workouts are just way too long!

Running // Thankfully, I am just now emerging from a running rut. Maybe it’s the cooler mornings. Or maybe it’s a new appreciation for the fact that running literally takes zero advanced planning. After long hours at a desk, there’s truly nothing better than lacing up a pair of sneaks and finding a bit of freedom in my moving feet.

Keeping it real // Some days, I just don’t have the energy to make the time. True story. And when that happens, I find peace with it and try to increase my movement in other ways. I take the long route to and from work. I’ll take the stairs. I also got the excellent piece of advice to take short walk breaks during the day – something I haven’t been super successful with yet, but I’m working on it! And yes, there are moments when I’m that weirdo in the office doing yoga poses in the break room or incline push ups at my desk. #sorrynotsorry

So there you have it! How I’m hacking my schedule to make time for fitness on my terms. It’s all about doing what I can, when I can. Convenience and flexibility are key.

If I have any advice to impart so far, it’s this: have patience with yourself and an ability to see the big picture. Seasons of life come and go, and this one will too. Learn from it and grow in it. Find a solid support system and make a plan. And, before you do anything else, make sure your sense of humor and attitude are in good working condition. From my personal experience, you’ll need those the very most.

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